Voice and Data

We know that reliable communication networks are crucial for organizations to handle their voice and data transmission needs effectively. To ensure that low voltage voice and data systems operate at peak performance, we provide comprehensive services in design, installation, and maintenance.

Our Capabilities

Our skilled team at SCC is dedicated to ensuring that your voice and data systems function at their best. We employ cutting-edge technology and advanced equipment to meet the ever-evolving demands of these systems. Beyond system implementation, we offer quick service and support. Trust us for your needs in Structured Cabling, Wireless, and Fiber Optic systems, including:

  • Service

  • Design

  • Testing

  • Consultation

  • Installation

  • Maintenance

Voice Services

SCC has extensive experience with both small and large-scale voice systems. We deliver high-quality and cost-effective solutions, such as:

  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Systems

  • Backbone Cabling (multi-pair and fiber optic)

  • Vertical Riser Cabling

  • Horizontal Cabling

  • Paging Systems

Data Services

Count on SCC for reliable data services that are crucial for the smooth operation of any business or organization. Our data services include:

  • Data Centers

  • Cabinets & Racks

  • Horizontal Cabling

  • Backbone Cabling

  • Fiber Backbone

  • Patch Panels and Cords